Category Archives: Politicians

Will White Christian Europeans & More Importantly The Irish Ever Wake Up To Islamification??!!

You better Wake Up and Wise Up Christian brothers and sisters. Islam is on the offensive whether you bury your head in the sand or not! I am sure you have heard of the crusades, and I’m sure you have heard of the Lebanon, a beautiful country that was once 100% Christian until the muslim[…]

Netflix Is Blackwashing Egyptian Queen Cleopatra

Netflix is at it again. STOP WATCHING ANTI WHITE Netflix, It is owned by Dews (not misspelled-deliberate because of google) and I will share the links below so you can verify this. Stop giving Dews you money, they want to destroy the white race, research The Kalergi Plan or check our links on our site[…]


Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, whom I’ve interviewed twice previously, was among the first U.S. physicians to develop an early treatment program for the novel SARS-CoV-2 infection. He popularized the use of hydroxychloroquine and zinc, and when hydroxychloroquine became increasingly difficult to obtain, he was also among the first to identify quercetin as a viable alternative. •[…]

Germany To Import A Quarter Of A Million Kenyans

Apparently Germany is in desperate need of “skilled labor” so where do they turn? To Kenya of course, duh! Kalergi would have wanted this.

Matt Walsh Says Diversity Is An Anti-White Conspiracy

This is what Sweden is all about. “So spicy, so exciting, so diverse, so enriching, such good times, so many brown friends, so ethnic, such good food, so grateful for the help, we’re the best country in the world, we’re helping.”

Ireland Is Full: 75% Of Irish People Say ‘Too Many Refugees’ #IrelandForTheIrish

Ireland is full, yet continues to be flooded by migrants. A recent Red C poll, called for by the Sinn Fein and the far left traitorous anti indigenous Irish government, finds that 75% of Irish people believe that the number of refugees Ireland is taking in is ‘now too many.’ This puts the new “hate[…]

You Protest & Then You Go Home… HUH???

I have been thinking about protests and how they seem to me to be a waste of time, one could argue that they achieve something, like raising awareness etc, but I no longer see it that way. My opinion on protests has changed and with good reason, they never actually gain the results the protesters[…]