** WARNING Graphic Video! ** The Danger Amongst The Unvetted Illegal muslim Male Migrants!


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I have too much to do, so I wont be writing long articles on this site and I wont be trying to impress anyone with my writing, I won’t be looking for a Pulitzer, time is in short supply for most of us and certainly for me.

The videos speak for themselves, you can join the dots or ignore the signs at your peril. Now we know all these unvetted muslim male migrants arrive well fed, clothed, with phones and well packed but where are their wives and kids?  Are they left behind in war zones? I don’t think so!
They are safe and these men have left safe countries, so why are they here without their wives and children? Economic migration? Nope! If it was economic migration they would have brought them. The migrants with wives and kids have been well versed in all the available freebies.

Since these unvetted muslim males have come alone, we can only assume there is a sinister motive, and many are saying they are UN trained soldiers, soldiers of fortune, mercenaries. So folks we are in clear and present danger whether they are or not. If they are UN soldiers then they are here to control any insurrection, any hint of a revolt, why else would they be here, there is no UN mission in Ireland. If you are awake you will know the UN is a danger to humanity, completely the opposite of what most are led to believe, The WHO want to take control of every countries health policies, if that is not dangerous then what is?.

Let’s assume the rumour is correct then the UN have their soldiers here already, so it is too late during a revolt to block the ports when the Trojan horse is already here. Sounds crazy right?  Maybe you think that these men are unarmed, so how can they be a threat to us and where will they get guns? Well either our tyrannical government will supply them or the UN will supply them. We have a large undefended coastline and of course they can be dropped in by UN planes.

Have no doubt we are in danger and the animals in the video above are no different than the unvetted animals our government have allowed to infiltrate our neutral state.

Ask yourself this... would the invader give up their country for you?

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