You Protest & Then You Go Home… HUH???

I have been thinking about protests and how they seem to me to be a waste of time, one could argue that they achieve something, like raising awareness etc, but I no longer see it that way. My opinion on protests has changed and with good reason, they never actually gain the results the protesters want and will never, unless you can get the whole nation to take to the streets. Now we do know that many can’t go to these protests for varying reasons so it is difficult to gain the critical mass where a government will actually take notice.

The way I see it, if you are willing to protest, why leave at the end of the day and go home? Have your demands been met or satisfied? No, of course not, you have been ignored and even laughed at while they throw back their cocktails in the Dail bar! Why leave, why not stay until you get what you want? You can’t stay you, you have to leave, you cannot afford to stay, you have bills to pay, the bills they control, you have to feed yourself with the food they provide. Those traitors in the Dail know that, they are laughing at you! Are you a fecking idiot? No, of course you are not, it is their trap and you are playing into their game.

Is there a solution?
Well here is an idea and it’s nothing new, people have been doing it for millennia. We need to have a grass roots movement, the indigenous Irish people need to have town hall meetings all over our country, organised and peaceful, we need to come together and make plans to end this plantation and deport the invaders. Then we need to punish and jail all traitors to our people, the indigenous Irish, the only people that own and belong on this beautiful land of ours we call Eire. Now that is a start to get to the end we need, get on it folks, this is your land, take it back!

Éirinn go Brách agus Tiocfaidh ár lá!

Ask yourself this... would the invader give up their country for you?

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